Dig Dug Dougerson
World's most highly acclaimed Cutologist
You may be wondering about the person behind all this research. Well that's me, and luckily, in addition to being the world's most renowned cuteologist, I am also an expert in myself.
I was born on the twentith of April, 1969 in the bathroom of a waffle house in northern Onterio. And before you ask: yes, I was a cute baby. I tested it. When I was six years old my parents took me to a petting zoo. I was fascinated by the teacup pigs, goats, and chickens found there. They were all just so "cute." My mother asked which animal I thought was the cutest. I was beside myself, was the goat cuter than the pig? The rooster? was the lazy, old shepard dog cuter than any of them? I couldn't decide, yet I had been taught to never lie, especially to my mother. I had to design a way to objectivly measure the cuteness of anything. And that's where my journey into the world of Cuteology began.
I studied hard in school. Not just the sciences, but the arts as well. Cutness is largely aesthetics, so the arts needed to be factored it, the intricate science of creating pleasentness in the eye. My grades excelling, and my art winning several local awards, combined with my soulful admissions essay, landed me in the most prestegious university of Cuteology in the world: the Scientific Welsh Academic Group (SWAG) of Wales.
My doctorate thesis was lauded as a breakthrough in the study of cuteology, identifying the cutest thing uet discovered in the world: a Pygmy pig in South America, determining it to have a CFSC score of 1738. Since then I have written over 20 published and peer reviewed papers on the topic of cuteness, adorability, and sweetie pie-ness as applied to subjects from over 30 countries. This website serves as a culmination of my over 35 year career. I have discovered the cutest thing in the world, with a CFCS of 2262, over 30 percent higher than the previous record holder.
For more information on what went into determing the cutest thing in the world, click here or to skip and see the results click here.