Discovering the cutest baby in the world one scientific inquiry at a time!

Who is the Cutest?

For years the question has been on the lips of every researcher in the world

Who is the cutest little baby in the whole wide world? My name is Professor Dig Dug Dougerson and I have spent years studying this topic. After much deliberation, strife, and alienation from my peers, I can now show irrefutable proof. Below you will find the summation of my work an my ultimate conclusion.

Now this cat is cute? but is it the cutest? Not by a long shot. This cat ranks only 17 on the CFCS (Cutie Factor Calculated Scale). Read on for methodology and information on how I came to the conclusion of the cutest little baby man in the whole wide world.


Now, many factors go into determining the CFCS of an individual. Following is a break down the CFCS into it's most major traits

  • Media Literacy
  • Bones
  • Smallness
  • Bulliability
  • Tossability
  • Splorpability

As you can see, these traits split evenly into too two major catagories: Immutable traits (media literacy, bones, and smallness) and the "-ability"s, traits that are responses to external stimuli (bulliability, tossablility, and splorpability). The cuteness of a being is determined not only by it's features, but also how it interacts with its surroundings. The cat from earlier, while scoring high in smallness, by ere of being a jpeg, is not bulliable or tossable, and is only slightly splorpable. It also scores low in media literacy, and a midlevel of bones. So while one may initially be inclined to give the cate a high cutness score, a scientific breakdown of its CFCS shows it to be only slightly cute.

For more information on what went into determing the cutest thing in the world, click here or to skip and see the results click here.